OFCO Services
Foster Youth Bill of Rights
All youth in foster care have rights. Learn about the Foster Youth Bill of Rights and what to do if you believe a youth’s right is being violated.
File a General Complaint
Do you feel like a foster youth’s rights are being violated? Do you know a youth who is having issues with their care, placement, and services?
Are you in foster care?
If you are in foster care and want resources catered to you, you can also check out the Youth Resources page!
Foster Care Resources
Guide for Parents
If you are a parent with a child in foster care, the Juvenile Dependency Court and You: A Guide for Parents can help explain juvenile dependency. The California Courts also has a webpage to explain each type of hearing and help you navigate the court process. If you have case-specific questions, however, be sure to speak with your attorney and social worker.
Become a Resource Parent
Resource Family Approval (RFA) is a new family-friendly and child-centered caregiver approval process that licenses resource (foster) parents. If you want to take care of a youth in foster care, contact your county’s Resource Family Approval (RFA) Unit to start the application process. A resource parent can be a relative, non-related extended family member, family friend, or a community member.
Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard (RPPS)
Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard (RPPS) means careful and sensible parenting decisions that maintain a foster youth’s health, safety, and best interests while encouraging their emotional and developmental growth. Caregivers shall use RPPS when determining when to allow a child in foster care to participate in extracurricular, enrichment, cultural, and/or social activities.
Resources to Support Foster Youth
SOGIE Resources
Everyone has a sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression (SOGIE). As such, each person’s journey of self-awareness and expression is unique and individualized according to their culture, environment, and lived experiences. CDSS created a guidebook and a webpage to provide helpful resources and information to assist and support foster youth in foster care with varying/diverse SOGIE. Check out the webpage below to learn how to best support your youth.
iFoster Free Smartphone Program
iFoster is offering free cell phones for former and current foster youth aged 13-26! If a youth was in foster care on their 13th birthday, they are eligible. It requires an application and verification of foster youth status. Both then need to be emailed to iFoster at
Complaint Quick Links
For a full complaint list, check out the File a Complaint page.
Complaint against a Social Worker
Do you have complaints about child welfare practices and social worker conduct? First, try resolving the situation with your county’s chain of command. Contact the social worker’s supervisor and the program manager. If you are still dissatisfied, you can file a county grievance. Write your complaint in a formal letter and address it to the director of the county child welfare agency.
Complaint against a Lawyer
Do you feel like your lawyer is not being ethical or professional? Do you feel like they are not representing your best interest in Court? Does your lawyer not respond to your contact attempts or return your calls or emails? File a complaint with the State Bar of California. The State Bar has jurisdiction over the licensing, regulation, and discipline of lawyers.
The California Office of the Foster Care Ombudsperson is dedicated to serving
foster youth in California by investigating and resolving complaints
about foster youth rights, care, placement, and services.
Foster Youth Rights